

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

End of the Tunnel

Our achievements and our failures can scare us in the long run but we just have to find a way to reassure ourselves that we have done what we have done and that we will do what we will do.

We are all powerful, we all have the power to control our lives and sometimes some parts of other peoples, I know that my family has power over mine.

Nelson Mandela said "our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate but that we are more powerful beyond measure and it's our lightness not darkness that frightens us."

When I read this I took it as the lightness is our future and darkness is our past which made me think of "There is always light at the end of the tunnel."

My future frightens me, I unsure where I am going to be but I do know where I have been. We don't know what is in the light at the end of our tunnel but we do know what is in the darkness at the beginning of the tunnel. I  am most probably not nearly half way through this tunnel, I expect much more to happen in my life and that I have many more different things yet to experience.
 When you get to the end of the tunnel you are happy and you have experienced everything you would like to and you have overcome everything you have been afraid of.

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