

Monday, 24 June 2013

Where did the youth go?

When we are young we wish to grow up and now that we are grown up we wish to be young again.
When I watched Peter Pan when I was younger I never fully understood why Peter Pan didn't want to grow up, it was all I ever wanted to do, to be on my own and not get told what to do when to do it. Now I want to be younger, to play games with my brother and not fight like we do now, when every other weekend was reserved for my dad and now we don't even speak, my mom and I on the other hand are a lot closer than ever now.

Yes I am happy with where I am now but when I was younger I didn't have to worry about getting good marks but rather about colouring within the lines, I didn't have to worry about broken hearts but rather about a scrapped knee, I didn't have to worry about fake friends but rather sharing my crayons with someone who wouldn't loose them, I didn't have to worry about overthinking in the middle of the night but remembering to feed my dog when I wake up and even if I don't, mommy will.

"Being a teenager is overrated, according to our parents we are to young for love, too old for 'fun', too mature to act dumb and too immature for 'grown up' conversations and you wonder why we are so rebellious?"

Only if you're a Teen Grade

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